Stevie Ray Vaughn Strat,FENDER Unveiled, SIGNED, 200 Prints 4 Sale,DEALERS Only - $448 - (Jasper, AL)
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Posted 1 month ago
In 1992, winter Namm show in Ca., Fender unveiled the Stevie Ray Vaughn Guitar. At the same time, they had the 200 prints for Fender dealers, numbered and signed by the artists' who collaborated and did this project. This is number 25 of 200. In January 2017, this print will be 25 years old and since l do like it, it will be only a temporary window it is for sale. And if I get enough guitars, and amps sold qwik, that window will be shortened, so if you are interested, get it before I have time to hang it without there being any danger of damage to it. Right now there is a slim walkway from the door to the closet and that is what I have to cure before I get to hang it up. Thank you.

From - 1 month ago