Kintronics Labs Fmc-0.2p Iso-coupler - $600 - (Wilmington, OH)
This is a new old stock Kintronics brand ISO-coupler. It is designed to allow mounting of an antenna in the frequency range designated on the label. While providing maximum isolation in the medium wave broadcast band. This will allow mounting of an STL antenna on a "hot" a.m. tower. It includes mounting brackets and standoff insulators as part of the kit. I have had this in my stock over 10 years. I'm sure there's someone out there has a need for it. And it is being offered at significantly lower price then a new one sells for currently. More information can be found on their website. Where this product is still available. Product Description Permits Studio to Transmitter Link Signal of Less Than 200 W To Be Routed Across the Base Insulator of A Series Fed Medium Wave Tower At a Frequency in specified Band. Custom Modified Pass Band Trading Insertion Loss and Power Handling For Specific Frequency Coverage. Maxium Medium Tower Base Voltage is 12 KV Peak.

From - 1 month ago