New Pro Lift Lawn Mower Jack Lift with 300 Lbs Capacity for Tractors and Zero - $128 - (Leesville, LA)
Pro Lift Lawn Mower Jack Lift with 300 Lbs Capacity for Tractors and Zero Turn Lawn Mowers {My best service Free shipping|Fast of world: Two-day shipping|if you need the return do not worry , We have Free Return} Giving you the Room and Stability to Work Safely on Lawn Mowers in Three Easy Steps Pro Lift T5300 Lawn Mower Lift is a 300 Lbs lawn mower lift that provides the ability to lift 22 inches from ground to wheel saddle to give you the maximum space to perform necessary mower maintenance It is built with the welded solid steel construction with the four steel wheels and the positive dual locking safety latches It has the ability to hold minimum of 1714 inch span and up to a 4114 inch span mower In addition it features the hydraulic foot pedal operation It gives you the option to lift up your mower effortless At the same time to lower the lift put the mower in neutral and raise Lift Platform slightly to disengage Height Locking Levers then With the universal design Pro Lift T5300 is adjustable to fit most zero turn garden tractors and riding mowers Safety Lock for Safely Supporting the Load Rubber Padded Platform to Prevent Scratching and to Protect your Machine NonSlip Foot Pedal Allows Effortless Lifting the Load Easily Maneuverable and Adjustable for a Wide Variety of Machine Specifications Capacity 300 Lbs Lifting Height 22 Inch Wheel Span 1714 to 4114 inches Item Weight 55Lbs Pro Lift T5300 Lawn Mower Lift is backed by 90 Days from the date of the purchase [[Feature]], if you need to fix size and font, you can use Safety Lock for Safely Supporting the LoadRubber Padded Platform to Prevent Scratching and to Protect your MachineNon-Slip Foot Pedal Allows Effortless Lifting the LoadEasily Maneuverable and Adjustable for a Wide Variety of Machine. example [[Feature,30,georgia]] Font for feature [arial, comic sans ms, courier new, georgia, lucida sans unicode, tahoma, times new roman, trebuchet ms, verdana] 652597529589 0652597529589 ProLift T-5300 T-5300E Pr

From - 1 month ago