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Dachsund Doggy Bench - $210 - (Corpus Christi, TX)

DACHSHUND DOGGY BENCHby Summerfield Terrace PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:Dare we say this is cutest bench in existence? We do! This Dachshund Doggy Bench is adorable from top to tail and will charm your friends and family as they gaze upon his happy face and elongated body. Hes the best pet youll ever own, with no upkeep or maintenance, and can be a great help in the entry way of your home, on your porch, and beyond! QuantityEach1 EA1Weight37.5 pounds49 pounds49 poundsDimensions53" x 10" x 25"59.5" x 28.5" x 13"59.5" x 28.5" x 13"

Dachsund Doggy Bench


Posted in Corpus Christi, TX, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago