Mandalian Mesh Purse1920s Mint Green Black White Enamal Bird Floral 8 Drop Beads - $230 - (Clute, TX)
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Posted 1 month ago
Birds and Flowers detail on the Snap, Snap is a tarnish silver color. 8 Turquoise Drop Beads, Zig Zag Bottom compliments the Diamond and Triangle design. Some of the white enamel is showing through to the silver in very select locations but not very heavily through out, and not really apparent on the front side of the mesh, mostly in the back. The snap and mesh and beads measure at 8 inches top to bottom, holding the bag from the chain drop and mesh and beads it measures at 13.5 inches the width measured at the snap measures 3 5/8th inches, the mesh width measures 3 3/4th inches at it's greatest

From - 1 month ago