240 kw G3406TA CAT NATURAL GAS GENERATOR SET--rebuilt - $25,500 - (Winfield, PA)
We are a small company PA that specializes in natural gas and propane engines,generator and power units.We were approached a couple years ago by a couple Amish business people from the midwest looking for natural gas engines and power units and gensets to run on nat gas and they asked if i could help them because what they found is that the horsepower they needed was intensely expensive.About that time we traded in a Cat G3406NA engine which we tore down and realized we can do what Cat is doing.We built a generator test unit and installed a test unit in an Amish business in Indiana.That unit is still running strong a couple years later . What we are doing is taking the 3406 diesel engine And converting it to run on nat gas with all new internal nat gas components including nat gas pistons,liners,bearings,gaskets and also new components such as ignition systems,throttle body,digital governor etc. We then custom build a unit to your specs.We have sold these units to farms,businesses for prime or standby power ,the oil and gas industry ,irrigation etc. We feel we have a good product at a big savings over dealer. THIS GENERATOR WE HAVE WE JUST TRADED FROM A AMISH BUSINESS ON A BASICLY NEW UNIT .WE ARE REFURBING THIS UNIT TO 0 HRS .THIS IS A UNIT THAT IS SOLID WITHOUT THE COST OF OUR OTHER UNITS

From ebay.com - 1 month ago