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Vintage Industrial Swivel Shop Stool Ajustrite Steampunk Mid-Century unrestored - $125 - (Berea, KY)

This is a very nice mid-century industrial swivel shop stool manufactured by Adjusto Equipment Company of Bowling Green Ohio in excellent unrestored condition. Some original paint has been lost over time from shop use. There are a few marvelous extraneous paint splatters and minor surface rusting, giving this stool an authentic "from the workshop" look. You may choose to sand and repaint. Me? I'd leave it just like it is, if I were to keep it in my home. Mechanically, the chair works great-- swivels smoothly with no squeaks for and a full 360 degrees (or more if you enjoy spinning.) The unique footrest ring (very sturdy) has lost much of its paint from decades of wear by shoe soles. And the height adjusts to accommodate the short and the tall sitter, and work that is low or high. Please check out all the photos to appreciate this industrial stool's authentic condition and many fine features. (The frog enjoys it and you will too.)

Vintage Industrial Swivel Shop Stool Ajustrite Steampunk Mid-Century unrestored


Posted in Berea, KY, Antiques
From - 1 month ago