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8 x 12 x 87 in Walk in cooler ballyFloor & Ceiling Blower & Compressor Included - $5,500 - (New York, NY)

12 X 8 X 87 Inch Walk in Cooler with compressor ceiling & Blowers & door A Complete Box Nothing Missing included : Conner Ceilings wall Floor Blower Compressor Main Entrance Door all complete walk in box Bally Very Strong Insulation New and Used Restaurant Equipment and Walk In Boxes. BUY * SELL NEW * USED WALK IN BOXES ALL SIZE Commercial Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Food service Equipment: Sinks, Work Tables, Fryers, Ranges, Ovens, Grease Traps, Refrigerators, Freezers, Faucets, Seating, Griddles,Best Prices and Service . RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT * WALK IN BOXES * ALL SIZES * CUSTOMIZE TO SIZE ***** WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL WALK IN BOXES - GIVE US A CALL TODAY ***** * PIZZA SHOP * DELI * GROCERY * SUPERMARKET * BAKERY * COFFEE SHOP * ICE CREAM SHOP MANNY 347 744 3462

8 x 12 x 87 in Walk in cooler ballyFloor & Ceiling  Blower & Compressor Included


Posted in New York, NY, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago