Singer XL-580 Futura Embroidery and Sewing Machine with 250 Embroidery Designs - $11,158 - (Avenel, NJ)
Singer XL-580 Futura Embroidery and Sewing Machine with 250 Embroidery Designs Product Features The new Endless Hoop 6.75" x 4" allows you to create border designs on tablecloths, fashions and draperies Embroidery & Sewing machine with 250 built-in embroidery designs and 215 built-in sewing stitches Endless Hoop for creating borders, Knee Lifter for hands-free presser foot lifting and USB Key for remote embroidery design Long Arm Design provides extra-large sewing space for managing quilts and other bulky projects Product Description For Creativity that Knows No Limits! The SINGER Futura XL-580 embroidery and sewing machine includes innovative features that allow you to do more than ever before. With an endless hoop, knee lifter for hands-free presser foot lifting, extra-large sewing space for quilting and 250 built-in embroidery designs - including 50 endless designs - it's just what you need to make your sewing creativity truly limitless. When creating monograms and other embroidery designs the possibilities are endless. With a larger embroidery hoop size of 10" x 6" and multi-hooping capability, you can create designs up to 12 by 20 Inch. This fantastic feature and will allow you to embroider large format projects such as table cloths, bedspreads, dresses and more. New innovations like a knee lifter for hands-free raising and lowering of the presser foot, USB Key so you can edit embroidery designs without being connected to the SINGER Futura embroidery machine and 250 built-in all new embroidery designs keep you ahead of the curve.

From - 1 month ago