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350 feet antique rope 3/8 no knots or splices,1 long piece. - $125 - (Coos Bay, OR)

This sale for one shot 3 braid hard lay nylon rope .350 feet  3/8 ths one piece,no knots ,splices,or cuts.This rope is in perfect shape.It was usef for halibut fishing in alaska decades ago.Has been stored indoors ever since.Its stiff but soft.holds a shape well,great for the ranch or stables,has a great rustic nautical look to well for decoration,where a maritime or nautical theme is desired.Fast free shipping.Thank you your business,and look for other lengths,I'll be posting 200 ,100,and 50 foot lengths.

350 feet antique rope 3/8 no knots  or splices,1 long piece.


Posted in Coos Bay, OR, Antiques
From - 1 month ago