Shiny Pokémon Lot, Figures, Kids, Cards Japan Sun Moon - $850 - (Seaside, OR)
Selling a lot of Shiny Pokemon Collectibles! I have loved these for a long time, and spent a while to get these. But it is time they find a new home. Lot of 21 Shiny Pokemon Kids Figures From Japan: Shiny Chimchar Shiny Turtwig Shiny Piplup Shiny Corphish Shiny Magmortar Shiny Minun Shiny Electivire Shiny Treecko Shiny Grovyle Shiny Sceptile Shiny Seviper Shiny Taillow Shiny Lotad Shiny Cacnea Shiny Torchic Shiny Combusken Shiny Blaziken Shiny Wailord Shiny Squirtle Shiny Wartortle Shiny Blastoise And 1 Shiny 1st ED. Japanese Gold Star Latias in Mint Condition 1 Rare New Pokemon Battrio Shiny Rayquaza Coin w/ plastic sleeve. 1 Shiny Garchomp Pokemon Center 2009 Tomy Figure Buy it now, or Best Offer! Free Shipping in the US! :)

From - 1 month ago