Lowel Super Ambi Kit [watch video] 2x OMNI 2x TOTA S 1x RIFA x55 1x PRO LIGHT - $1,299 - (Green Bay, WI)
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Posted 1 month ago
Watch the video I took of this: https://youtu.be/xcPcY-Nrt6M You can look up all the details online but these sell for $1850 new on B&H and $1500-1300 used. This is a complete six-light tungsten kit, appropriately named the Lowel Super Ambi Kit. It includes two Tota-light floodlights, two Omni-light and one Pro-light focusing flood lights, and a Rifa eX 55 softbox light. An array of light control devices such as scrims, flags, reflectors, barndoors, gels, arms, clamps, and umbrellas are included. Light stands are included for each fixture, as well as bulbs, and storage cases for extra bulbs. A heavy-duty hard plastic wheeled case makes transport and storage easy.
![Lowel Super Ambi Kit [watch video] 2x OMNI 2x TOTA S 1x RIFA x55 1x PRO LIGHT](http://img.ycpix.com/listimg/img1_0517/01/img_JjX5mRyR1gduVRC.jpg)
From ebay.com - 1 month ago