Oxford, KJV Brevier Wide Margin, Genuine Morocco Leather, Pin Seal Grain, 03350x - $500 - (Mount Pleasant, MI)
There was a time when Oxford University Press produced top of the line high quality Bibles. The Press has since divested itself of printing premium lines and only prints general use mass produced editions. It is a rare and exciting moment when one finds an extant copy of a finely bound Oxford Bible from yesteryear. This listing is for one such Bible. This Oxford King James Version Brevier Wide Margin Bible. This Bible has all the features of a finely bound edition, gilt page edges, ribbon markers, and a edge lined cover. This rare Bible includes ruled paper for notes before and after the text. A quality Oxford Bible is always a great find, finding one bound in genuine morocco leather is rare indeed. The leather has a pin seal grain, a fine grain not used today in Bible binding. Buy this beautiful copy now, before it is too late! King James Version Brevier Type, Black Face Center Column References Oxford Bible Maps Ruled Writing Paper Grained Morocco Binding Bonded Leather Lined to Edge Gold Page Edges 2 Ribbon Markers Wide Margins for Notes India Paper Cover Size: 9.00 x 7.38 x 1.38

From ebay.com - 1 month ago