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Smith Corona Cougar XL Typewriter (1960s Made in England) - $95 - (Putnam Station, NY)

This little Smith Corona Cougar XL is made in England and has the Cursive Font option which seems to be on the rare side. Ir bears the Serial No. 6Y998643 and a US Pat.No. D197153 and D197165, all of which dates this machine in the 1960s. In its case it measures 12 inches by 12 inches by 4.5 inches and it weighs in at 9 lbs 8 oz. All of its keys are working but you will need a new ribbon which is very easily obtained online. A nice sporty go anywhere machine that will take you back in time to the functional creativity mindset of early writers.

Smith Corona Cougar XL Typewriter (1960s  Made in England)


Posted in Putnam Station, NY, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago