Galaxy DX99V-2 10 Meter Radio NEW!! - $2,991 - (Louisville, KY)
10 Meter Mobile Radio DX 99VFrequency Counter (with "ON/OFF" switch)Variable Dimmer Control for Meter Lamp, Frequency Display and Channel ReadoutLarge Meter with Scales for Signal Strength and Power OutputMeter glows Red during TransmitRoger Beep (with "ON/OFF" switch)Noise Blanker/ Automatic Noise Limiter+10 KHz SwitchSSB in addition to AM/FM/PAPA Features:Echo Board with Dual ControlVoice Changer with Pitch ControlRobot Sound (one-position)Talk Back "ON" during Echo, VC or RobotVariable Power Output10 Watts Maximum Power Output - AM25 Watts Maximum Power Output - SSB1.5 KHz Clarifier for Receive Only5.0 KHz Clarifier for Receive and TransmitTWO YEAR Limited Parts and Labor Warranty This is a manufactures warranty only !!!! Any and all warranty issue must be taken up with them at their repair dept, as well all sales final no return,no exchanges,no warranty by eBay seller(Manufacturers warranty only!) Thanks happy hunting for a better price on this limited time sale !!!

From - 1 month ago