1920's CLOTHING CATALOG. PERRY & DAME & CO. NEW YORK. 11 X 8. DOWNTON ABBEY - $44 - (Henderson, MN)
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Posted 1 month ago
ANTIQUE VINTAGE 1920's PERRY, DAME & CO. CATALOG. NEW YORK, NEW YORK. "THE STANDARD MAIL ORDER HOUSE". Amazing catalog with the latest styles in the 1920's. REMINDS ME OF DOWNTON ABBEY! You saw many of these styles on the series! Catalog measures 11" by 8". Missing the back cover. Other wise it all there including the envelope that you send in to place an order if you put a 2 cent stamp in the envelope! Prices will amaze you. shipping on a pair of shoes will cost you 8 cents. This catalog would be Great for a Clothes Designer, a Student studying design, a Vintage store, the Country Store collector! Oh! For the good old days!

From ebay.com - 1 month ago