Powerfloat Aquatic Flotation System for Ultralight Aircraft, Paramotor, PPG - $300 - (Lac-aux-Sables, QC)
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Posted 1 month ago
POWERFLOAT AQUATIC FLOTATION SYSTEM # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY # SECURITY# The Powerfloat is a larger U shaped life vest made to fit a PPG frame with more flotation designed exclusively for the powered paraglider & paramotor community. The Powerfloat U shaped vest weighs approx 2 lbs. Co2 Cartridge is included. Please note: All life vests should be replaced after 4 years, this is standard industry practice for self inflating vests as the reliability after that can not be 100% guaranteed due to exposure to the elements and wear and tear. Powerfloat vests need complete replacement every 4 years.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago