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Colostrx CR 130 Colostrum Replacer Calf Dairy Beef Globulin Protein 20 Pounds - $685 - (Hawarden, IA)

Colostrx CR 130 Colostrum Replacer AgriLabs 20 Pound Bucket Colostrx the colostrum supplement brand you've trusted for years now offers a colostrum replacer, as well. The primary ingredient in both the colostrum supplement and colostrum replacer is globulin protein derived from the same source that enriches natural colostrum milk. When Mother Nature needs a hand, you can count on Colostrx 130 Colostrum Replacer to deliver what your newborn calves need: Easier to mix than dried

Colostrx CR 130 Colostrum Replacer Calf Dairy Beef Globulin Protein 20 Pounds


Posted in Hawarden, IA, Farm & Garden
From ebay.com - 1 month ago