Q.Light Skin Care including stand - $2,123 - (Caledon, ON)
Q.LIGHT SKIN CARE INCLUDING STANDThe Q.Light SKIN CARE Module was especially developed for a broad band of cosmetological applications. Due to stimulation of skin repair mechanisms, support of metabolism as well as activation of collagen and elastin fibre production, a younger, smoother and healthier skin is achieved.SKIN CARE TREATMENT IS ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR:Tired and dull looking skinSkin with insufficient blood circulationSkin irritations, eczemasSkin itchinessSkin drynessSkin feeling tenseBIOLOGICAL EFFECTIVENESS:– Activates local microcirculation– Supports oxygen supply to skin and tissue– Optimises permeability of cell membrane– Improves skins absorption of active cosmetic substancesPHOTO-MODULATION OF THE CELLS:As a consequence of the treatment with Q.Light SKIN CARE biological cell processes are regulated. Due to stimulated and therefore enhanced microcirculation the oxygen supply to skin cells are optimized and as a result also cell energy is enhanced.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago