Q.Light Sad Care including stand - $2,002 - (Caledon, ON)
Q.LIGHT SAD CARE INCLUDING STANDQ.Light SAD CARE is especially designed for the therapy of Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD), non-seasonal affection disorders ( Non-SAD) as well as for neurological treatments in medical practices, clinics, specialized treatment centres, nursing homes/services and for the treatment at home.BIOLOGICAL EFFECTIVENESS:Q.Light SAD CARE emits a special, UV-free and natural daylight spectrum with 10 000 Lux. Medical studies prove, that hormonal metabolism induced by natural daylight is highly effective against Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD) and is today the treatment of first choice. The modulation of hormonal metabolism induced through light is triggered by light energy which enters the eyes. The electrical energy is transported to the region of hypothalamus and regulates the rhythm of the biological clock due to metabolic enhancement of the pituitary gland (hypotheses) and the pineal gland (epiphyses).The therapy with Q.Light SAD CARE corrects the inner biological clock, takes care that serotonin in higher concentration is developed and reactivates activity of neurotransmitters. Lack of serotonin is the reason of many depressions. Neurotransmitters are responsible for improvement of thinking, feeling, sleeping and life in general.For the professional medical treatment we recommend the Q.Light PRO UNIT.For the mobile application and the treatment at home we recommend the Q.Light SAD CARE.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago