Nava's Designs Baby Crib Set wth Music Mobile Greens & Yellows Gorgeous!! - $300 - (Greensboro, NC)
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Posted 1 month ago
Gorgeous set by Nava's Design: Includes: Crib Comforter Crib Sheet And A Dust Ruffle standard to fit any crib. Green Velvet with four tiny bows at each corner and the bottom is trimmed in a beautiful heavy fabric stripe green A Mobile with the Moon and the Stars and has a music box on it to lull baby to sleep. It comes with an arched pole to attach to crib for baby's enjoyment. It is made of the same fabrics of the dust ruffle. This Set is in Like New Pre-Owned Condition. This is a designed top of the line brand used by celebrities so it is made very well and fabulous fabrics.

From - 1 month ago