3 axis gimbal dslr heavy duty.(Alexmos,red epic) - $385 - (Topeka, KS)
This gimbal does function, but it was balanced for the BMCC 2.5k camera. Because I do not have any gimbal experience, I cannot be of much help in stabilizing this thing, so I am offering it As-Is for you to get a deal to get in there and figure it out. For sale is an assembled stabilizer kit from eBay for heavy duty use and heavier camera payloads (~10ish pounds). I never bought a backplate for the board, nor do I have a balancing stand or case for it, so it can be a little awkward to transport. Thus, I'm selling it for way under the general going price of $1700 for these carbon fiber kits so you can take it on and customize it to your needs. - Assembled Carbon Frame Kit - 3x Heavy Duty Brushless Motors BGM 8108 (36N42P) 42 POLEs - BGC 2.3B5 Version Control Board + Sensor + 3 axis extension board. - 2x 5400 Venom Batteries + charger. - Joystick - Software Disc - Unused cables/extras

From ebay.com - 1 month ago