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John Deere TM-4301 2240 Tractor Technical Manual - $60 - (Mena, AR)

Technical and Service Manuals are typically written in much greater detail than your average owner's manual. If you plan to work on these implements this is the book you want at your elbow. Many pictures and diagrams, detailing step by step repair and service procedures. My husband worked for a repair shop several years ago. When they went out of business he ended up with all their manuals. They have been in storage since that point. Most of them are in good condition. A few would only rate acceptable due to dust, wear or grease smudges. All are very usable. There are no missing pages.

John Deere TM-4301 2240 Tractor Technical Manual


Posted in Mena, AR, Farm & Garden
From ebay.com - 1 month ago