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WOODEN CABIN BIRD HOUSE 8" Wide x 7" Wide x 7.5" Tall with OPEN UP TOP HAND MADE - $16 - (Alexander City, AL)

WOODEN CABIN BIRD HOUSE - 8" Wide x 7" Wide x 7.5" Tall with OPEN UP TOP HAND MADE This is a neat hand made wooden bird house, that has not been used by any birds yet. You can open up the lid and see the birds inside. The front door is open for any bird to get in or out. It is not made with a hanger, so you can mount on a pole of put hanger on each side to hang in a tree. This little house can also be used as an ornamental house for other uses, as well. Thanks for stopping...bye...



Posted in Alexander City, AL, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago