Isoprime-100 GC-C-IRMS - $165,000 - (South Lake Tahoe, CA)
Elementar Isoprime-100 GC-C-IRMS (isotope ratio mass spectrometer). It is capable of analyzing isotopic ratios of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur. Comes complete with a H/D detector for both dual inlet and continuous flow, dual gas inlet box (CO2 and N2), Isoprime GC5 combustion interface, Agilent 7890 GC with split/splitless injector and 16 tray tower autosampler. 3 years old, hardly used and in like-new condition. It produced world-class C13 biomarker data. Comes with computer with programming already installed. Price includes installation anywhere in the United States. International buyers please call prior to bidding. Please contact seller for payment instructions. We will accept Paypal for $10,000.00 with the remaining balance paid by cashier's check or wire-transfer. GB Scientific has been in the Mass-spec field since 1988. We stand behind our products 100%. Click here to visit our Ebay store!

From - 1 month ago