2-ReSound Linx2 977 (LS9 DW "The Ultimate Hearing Aids for iPhone"Programming) - $1,695 - (St. Paul, MN)
This auction is for 1 Pair(2 aids) Like New units ReSound Linx2 977 DW BTE/ Slim Tubes for: Moderate, Severe, and Profound Hearing losses. They're used but look and work like new with a very affordable price."We don't work with any kind of insurance, We only accept payment through PayPal." This auction will come with everything ready to wear: *.2 ReSound Linx2 977 DW bte *.2 Hooks/Slim Tubes/Domes/Batteries *.100% Satisfaction or 14 days money back (30 day for international customer)*****.Free programming to your hearing losses***** Important notice for prospective hearing aid users (US Only) Good health practice requires that a person with a hearing loss have a medical evaluation by a licensed physician (preferably a physician who specializes in diseases of the ear) before purchasing a hearing aid. Licensed physicians who specialize in diseases of the ear are often referred to as otolaryngologists, otolo- gists or otorhinolaryngologists. The purpose of medical evaluation is to assure that all medically treatable conditions that may affect hearing are identified and treated before the hearing aid is purchased. Here is the FDA Disclaimers:According to the FDA, it is in your best health interest to obtain a professional medical evaluation before purchasing a hearing aid and you are encouraged to do so before bidding on this item. If you choose to not obtain a medical evaluation before purchasing this item, I am required by law to provide to you and obtain from you a signed written waiver of the medical evaluation, and I am required to provide to you a copy of the User Instruction Brochure for a hearing aid, review the contents of that brochure with you, and afford you time to read the brochure. You must provide to me either a signed statement from a physician or a signed waiver before I will deliver this item to you. Upon your request, I will also provide to you a copy of the User Instructional Brochure for the hearing aid or the name and address of the manufacture

From ebay.com - 1 month ago