1798-1807 1804 Silver Dime Draped Bust Heraldic Eagle Reverse Coin U.S. - $2,000 - (Pleasantville, PA)
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Posted 1 month ago
1798-1807 1804 Silver Dime Draped Bust Heraldic Eagle Reverse as you can see it is hard to read date you can only make out a small amount of the top of this date it is thought to be the 1804 with only 8265 ever minted but you must decide for yourself considering the condition an about good is called details clear enough to identify. that being said this could be a rare ounce in a lifetime opportunity to acquire a coin of this magnitude all offers welcome no returns offered on this coin this coin is diamagnetic tested with a strong magnet it appears to be authentic and real to my eye insurance will be covered on this coin

From ebay.com - 1 month ago