Halloween Witch Doll, Handmade in Hawaii, Ooak Art Doll, 10" Doll, Amelia - $120 - (Pahala, HI)
Amelia,the Halloween WitchBirthDate: 'Aukake 30, 2017 (08-30-17) Amelia’smagical Mana (spiritual energy) casts blessings of Aloha. It’sHalloween in the Menehune village! There is so much excitement in the air! Halloweenis Amelia's favorite time of the year. This year, Amelia is dressed up as alittle witch. Togetherwith her little sister Ivy, they carry their Pala'ais (pumpkins) and zoom ontheir brooms to the Menehune Ohana (family) casting blessings and magicalspells of Aloha (love) upon everyone they meet. Amelia’shappiness is contagious and in no time all the Menehunes wear big smiles ontheir faces, sharing their favorite Halloween treats, Mai’as (bananas) andKahikis (pineapple), with each other. Ameliais a little Kahuna (magician) of joy! Amelia’sTutu (grandmother) made her Halloween costume. Tutu sewed a black cape andpointed hat out of black spider web material. Then she sewed an orange skirtand matching top. The color orange symbolizes joy and sunshine and matchesAmelia's mystical spirit. Tutuwove green and yellow flower leis which Amelia wears around her hips and hat.Tutu crocheted Amelia’s pointy black witch’s shoes and decorated the tips withsmall black crystals. She also crocheted Pala'ai, the pumpkin, and embroidereda face onto him. Then Tutu gave Amelia an orange Plumeria flower to put behindher ear and her magical kitchen broom, because a witch just has to have abroom. Amelia’switch costume was Tutu’s gift of Aloha (Love) to her Mo’opuna (granddaughter).Amelia loves to wear it. It makes her feel like a real little Hawaiian Menehunewitch. Ameliais a 10” tall cloth doll who was individually handcrafted on the Big Island ofHawaii with the greatest love and respect for all that is Hawaii. Her body is made out of doll skin and stuffed with high quality poly fill. Thebody is wired for flexibility. The eyes and mouth are intricately embroideredonto the face. All accessories were individually hand crafted. Amelia is a one of a kind Hawa

From ebay.com - 1 month ago