New 22 Foot Billboard For - The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King - 1 of 1! - $7,000 - (Sioux City, IA)
This is a new, unhung billboard advertisement for the release of The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King on 12-17-03. This banner is very large, it measures 22'6" by 10'2". The movie company's pay dearly, around 10k, to have these banners made and want them up to advertise the release of a new movie. This one was supposed to be hung in New York City but there was a large winter storm that prevented this one from being put up. I bought it, for my theater, from the owner of the billboard company in N.Y. and was told that it was very likely the only new one in exsistance. Also included in the sale is the original packaging that it was shipped to N.Y. in, with the date and contents of the shipment on the label. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Shipping for this banner will be $40.00.

From - 1 month ago