KINOTON FP-38D 16mm 35mm Combo professional Cine Projector Many Extras Warranty - $29,995 - (Miami, FL)
International Cinema EquipmentA Division of Magna-Tech Electronic Co. Inc.Best offer buyers are not entitled to free shipping.ICE-MTE is pleased to present for your bidding pleasure a: KINOTON GMBHCombination Professional 16mm & 35mmMotion Picture ProjectorSix Months Parts Warranty! Like New! KINOTON-MTE FP-38D Includes both Optical and Magnetic Sound Playback for 16mmand Stereo Dolby Analog & Digital Playback for 35mm Features: Lens 42.5mm Lens barrel for 16mm qnd Triple Lens Turret for 35mm 16mm Optical & Magnetic Play Back Sound Head-Built in Exciter Lamp Supply for 16mmRed Light Reverse Scan Dolby Stereo Analog Reader for Dolby 35mmDolby Digital Cat 702 Stereo Audio reader for 35mm Both 16 & 35mm 6000 Foot Feed and Take-up SpindlesDual 16 & 35mm Pedestal With Dual Lamp House SupportsDual Kinoton 1600/2000 watt Xenon LamphousesTwo IREM N3X-75 DM Rectifier working on 220V 3 Phase 60 Cycle Set of 16 & 35mm Hand Rewinds 16mm Tape Splicer35mm Taope Splicer 1:33-1 Lens included ( 50mm) for 16mm1:85-1 Wide Screen Lenses for 35mm2:35-1 Back Up Lens untegrates with Anamorphic lens for 35mm Aperture Plates for 1:85 & 2:35-1 35mm format 4 Empty 1600 foot 16mm Reels6-2000 Foot empty 35mm Reels 16 & 35mm Test Film Manual & Parts List *Please Note: Does not inlcude Xenon Lamps whic can be ordered as a separete item. Please consult with us for details. Projector Mechanism is set to work on 120V 60 cycles 1 phase. We can set this machine to work on 220V 50 Cycles 1 phase at no extra cost.This projector was made in the Germany and the Lamp House in the USA It has been updated and rebuilt by our expert technicians. It is in excellent operating condition. It is rugged, reliable, practical and accurate If you require a Amplifiers, and speakers please consult our our Ebay Store or MTE! Only the items mentioned in this offer are included in the offer. If you require 16 & 35mm Cameras, Projectors, accessories such as lenses, tripod legs, tripod head, spreader, magazines, and other

From - 1 month ago