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3 Peacock Gudgeons Live Freshwater Aquarium Fish - $40 - (Flushing, OH)

This is for 3 peacock gudgeons, they are small around 1 inch in length. Guaranteed live arrival, if you have any problems with your order just send a photo in the unopened bag within 2 hours of delivery. Photos MUST be in the unopened bag within 2 hours of being marked delivered or no refund! The fish are shipped 1 to 3 day depending on location. PLEASE FOLLOW YOUR TRACKING NUMBER NOT EBAY'S ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE. THE ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE IS INCORRECT THE FISH ARRIVE WELL BEFORE THE ESTIMATED DATE AND ARE TYPICALLY DEAD WHEN YOU GO TO THE POST OFFICE TO PICK THEM UP! FOLLOW YOUR TRACKING NUMBER BY TYPING IT INTO THE USPS.COM WEBPAGE. Any orders made on or after Wednesdays are shipped on Saturday. (Excluding when Monday is a holiday) The packages are not marked live fish because the USPS delays the shipment for up to 5 days so they can provide "special handling" to the packages. When all the packages really need is to be delivered on time. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog

3 Peacock Gudgeons Live Freshwater Aquarium Fish


Posted in Flushing, OH, Animals and Pets
From ebay.com - 1 month ago