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digital DEC 3000 300X PE32A-BD CPU KN16 Series BA45A Mobo 54-22249-01 - $350 - (Walford, IA)

SHIPPING Template SHIPPING: $40.00 DESCRIPTION digital DEC 3000 300X PE32A-BD CPU KN16 Series BA45A Mobo 54-22249-01 Unable to fully test this unit. Unit will power on and make three tones, no further testing has been done. Includes both hard drive trays, Does Not include any hard drives. Some scratches, scuffs and chipped paint spots on casing.Missing one of the rubber feet. Vintage unit is being sold As-Is, No Returns. Compatibility is the responsibility of the Buyer, Please verify compatibility before bidding. Items are inventoried. Serial numbers are recorded. PayPal payments are processed immediately and will be shipped within two (2) business days.If there are any questions regarding the item for sale or our sales / shipping policies please email before bidding. Our hours are 9:00-5:00PM Mon-Fri. We are not available on the weekends, so if a question is sent past 5:00 PM CST Friday we will not have an opportunity to reply until the following Monday. Shipping PolicyUPS Shipping to the Continental U.S. (lower 48 states) We do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico) UPS only ships to street addresses. Will not ship to P.O. Box, Military Base or College Dormitory. If the item is 2 lbs. or less we may choose to ship via United States Postal Service. If your purchased item is being shipped to an Iowa address, 7% sales tax will be added to the purchase order. PayPal payments are processed immediately and will be shipped within Two Business Days. When paying with PayPal the item can only be shipped to the confirmed address. A Tracking Number will be sent via eBay as soon as the item ships. If you have won multiple auctions combined shipping may be possible depending on size / weight of order. If items are paid for separately we will ship them separately. Items can be picked up from our warehouse during business hours 9:00 to 5:00. Please message us in advance so we can have the item ready. Iowa %7 sales tax will be charged when physically picked up. Description …

digital DEC 3000 300X PE32A-BD CPU KN16 Series BA45A Mobo 54-22249-01
digital DEC 3000 300X PE32A-BD CPU KN16 Series BA45A Mobo 54-22249-01
digital DEC 3000 300X PE32A-BD CPU KN16 Series BA45A Mobo 54-22249-01


Posted in Walford, IA, Electronics
From - 1 month ago