2006 Perfecta 52" paper cutting system - $49,000 - (Salem, OR)
You can view this late model Perfecta Cutting system in action by going to YouTube and typing copying the following: Perfecta Paper Cutting system with Jogger & Loader ITEMS: 2006 Perfecta 132 HTVC automatic cutter, touch-screen, optional auto-waste removal bed,configured to accept lifts fed from the LEFT hand side (back table). Machine equipped with allstandard features: Air Bed, Safety Eyes, Slotless bed, Spur Gears in gearbox (extremely strong) 2006 Perfecta Squeeze Roll Jogger, model SA-110-APK, Weigh Scale system for counting sheets,Stainless steel air bed 2006 Perfecta in-feed tables. Computer controlled staging, feeds directly into the back bed of the cutter(but only when operator activates) Not pictured, but included, is the waste conveyor that sets below front table when Auto Trim Removal is activated. All tools, manuals, knife change attachments etc are included with the machine. The cutter has 4 bladesthat all have life left on them. Seller will package / skid / prepare all items for shipping and load them onto your transportation.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago