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H-100B Main Memory Expansion Module Kit (Includes Curriculum) - $585 - (Swanton, VT)

Description H-100B Main Memory Expansion Module Kit Includes the H-100B Main Memory Expansion Module (Curriculum Only) Full 64kB of EEPROM Flash READ/WRITE memory Hex key pad for rapid data entry The H-100B Main Memory Expansion Module Kit (Includes Curriculum) is an all-inclusive kit (breadboards, wires, IC’s, power supply, etc.). It includes complete construction, testing and programming manual (>160 full color pages). First fully visual computer system – both main memory and microprocessor microcode are programmed with LEDs. The 7-segment displays for both data and address that allow all READ & WRITE transactions between the microprocessor and main memory to be captured and displayed.What's Included Complete construction Testing and programming manual (>160 full color pages)

H-100B Main Memory Expansion Module Kit (Includes Curriculum)
H-100B Main Memory Expansion Module Kit (Includes Curriculum)


Posted in Swanton, VT, Toys & Games
From ebay.com - 1 month ago