Wooden Trussed Fire fighting Ladder by Norwood 40' Extension furniture quality - $1,000 - (Milo, ME)
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Posted 1 month ago
The fireman trussed ladders are about 22 feet long which indicates it can be extended to about 40 feet. The ladder has label "norwood" which may be the manufacturer. There is number "35" at the foot of the ladder. The color of the ladder is redish which is still in good condition. The bars are yellow color which has some peel off. The metal accessories are bronze color. The overall condition is very good, no missing, cracks of the wood. It costed maybe 5000 dollars when it was new. And it is very rare to find one of this kind now. The ladder is very heavy, maybe weigh more than 200 pounds. So it is only for local pick up. Please contact for the shipping cost if you can't pick up it.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago