EXTREMELY RARE - BlizzCon 2016 Virtual Ticket In-Game Goodies Code and Loot - $1,250 - (Lewisville, TX)
Selling a rare 2016 Blizzcon digital code! Only a few left are seen popping around, and as such they are extremely valuable collectables. The Blizzcon 2016 code gives the following digital Goodies: World of Warcraft® – Legionnaire Murky & Knight-Captain Murky Overwatch® – BlizzCon 2016 Bastion Skin Diablo® III – Diablo 20th Anniversary Pet Hearthstone® – "Welcome Inn" Card Back Heroes of the Storm® – Nexus Tiger Mount StarCraft® II – D.Va Announcer and Portrait! Please note that in order to redeem this you will need both a battle net account. Also note that you can only redeem a Blizzcon ticket once so DO NOT buy this if you have already applied the code to your account. Upon purchase of the ticket I will email both the email from blizzard that the code came with and a timestamp proving that the code still works to ensure that the codes work upon delivery. Due to the nature of the codes there will be no refund or returns for any reason as once I send the codes I can't safely resell it or accept it back. Best of luck and be sure to grab it before its gone for good!

From ebay.com - 1 month ago