Star Wars Destiny Complete Collection (x2 of every card) - $1,250 - (Wyoming, MI)
Selling a complete Star Wars Destiny playset that includes at least 2 copies of every card from AwakeningsSpirit of Rebellion Empire at War (5 Seeker Droids in total)2 Player Starter setRivals Draft KitLegacies (5 copies of Battle Droids)Way of the Force Contents are in good condition, though there may be some small signs of use on some dice. Every card is sleeved in Dragon Shield matte sleeves (slate grey for the deck, white for hero characters, black for villain characters, clear for plots and battlefields). I will include any remaining Dragon Shields I have in those colors. 60+ promos (see full list below) from various kits will be sent along with the top 32 binder from Nationals and a set of the Droid Panorama promos from Worlds. Dice will be shipped in the shown boxes. I have one spare dice box I will ship as well that can be used for the next set. These boxes can be purchased on Etsy if you wish to acquire more for future sets. Please reach out with any questions you may have. Full list of Promos (all FFG official): 1 Set of Battle Droid panorama from worlds2 Battle Droids2 Electroshock15 Isolation3 Jetpack6 Death Trooper6 Overkill5 Command Shuttle3 Wookie Warrior1 AT DP4 Tinker (0 cost)4 Tinker (1 cost)2 Blockade1 Gungan Warrior2 Tie Fighter6 Quickdraw6 Guard10 The Force is With Me4 Crafted Lightsaber3 Force Speed3 Veteran Stormtrooper2 Jedi Temple Guard1 Heightened Awareness1 Finn4 Targeting Computer1 Rend15 Acrylic Green Shield Tokens10 Black/Red 1 Damage Tokens10 Orange/White 3 Damage Tokens

From - 1 month ago