Mtg Mono Green Tron Deck NM/M Modern Playable! - $675 - (El Dorado Hills, CA)
Fully double sleeved G TRON deck! Modern playable! Foil Ulamog Ceaseless hunger adds to the price a bit, everything is in great condition! // 60 Maindeck// 19 Artifact4 Chromatic Sphere4 Chromatic Star4 Expedition Map4 Oblivion Stone3 Relic of Progenitus // 8 Creature2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (1 foil)1 World Breaker3 Wurmcoil Engine2 Walking Ballista // 19 Land1 Ghost Quarter4 Urza's Mine4 Urza's Power Plant4 Urza's Tower4 Forest1 Field of Ruin1 Urza's Factory // 6 Planeswalker4 Karn Liberated2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon // 8 Sorcery4 Ancient Stirrings4 Sylvan Scrying // 11 Sideboard// 1 ArtifactSB: 1 Grafdigger's Cage // 3 CreatureSB: 3 Thragtusk // 7 InstantSB: 2 Spatial ContortionSB: 3 Nature's ClaimSB: 2 Warping Wail

From - 1 month ago