Mini Collectible commemorative spoons Lot of 14 Commemorating States Events - $24 - (Schulenburg, TX)
You are bidding on a lot of 14 collectible spoons, most are all in MINT condition, exceptions are detailed. All are still in their original box. They were all purchased on various vacations in the 60's and 70's, and I will describe each in detail. In the photo, I have them numbered, in THIS order: (1) ARKANSAS The Wonder State - Chrome-Plated non-tarnishable - Collector's Demi-Tasse Spoon. (2) ALABAMA - has the original "Stuckey's" price tag on it - Although still in box, the back of spoon has a tarnish spot onit where it is touching the cardboard. (3) GEORGIA - Collectors Demi-Tasse Spoon Chrome-plated non-tarnishable (4) NORTH CAROLINA - collectors teaspoon finest quality (5) LOUISIANA - Collector's demi-tasse spoon finest quality - has the original Stuckey's price tag on it (6) THE ALAMO SAN ANTONIO TEXAS - Collector's Demi-Tasse Spoon - Finest Quality (7) TOWER OF THE AMERICAS - Hemisfair '68 World's Fair in San Antonio on the box on the side in black and the same words in a circular stamp on the front (see photo), AND the same words engraved on the back of the spoon handle (8) NEW ORLEANS L.A. no special attributes printed on this spoon, AND it is tarnishing on the back. (9) MISSOURI THE SHOW-ME STATE Collector's Demi-Tasse Spoon - Chrome-Plated Non-Tarnishable (10) CZECH FESTIVAL CLARKSON NEB - KLEPA ARTS HOLLAND engraved on the back of the top of spoon - don't know what this spoon is made of, but it is very smoothe high-gloss, on the heave side metal, perfect condition (11) TEXAS LONE STAR STATE - COLLECTOR'S DEMI-TASSE SPOON - CHROME-PLATED NON-TARNISHABLE (12) ROCK CITY (printed in black against a colorful background) - Quality plate - Made in USA - (13) SOUTH CAROLINA - Collectors Spoon - finest quality (14) TENNESSEE No details on this spoon,...some tarnishing on this spoon.

From - 1 month ago