ARA antenna Research Associates ARA757LC-CE COMPLETE +*WARRANTY* - $5,500 - (Boulder, CO)
A.R.A. Antenna Research Associates A.R.A. IS A WORLD CLASS SUPPLIER OF RF ANTENNA SYSTEMSTO THE MILITARY, COMMERCIAL, AND EMC MARKETS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARAIF-488 ARAPS/PC757LC ARA757LC-CE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Antenna Research Associates – 100 Watt wide-band RF power amplifier w/controller & HPIB/RS-488 communication interface, includes interconnecting cables as shown in photos. 20-1000MHz bandwidth at 100Watts. This Amplifier is designed for use in EMC testing with ARA's broadband antennas. The system consists of the Amplifier, Power Supply and Manual Interface unit, and IEEE-488 controller. Also included are the interconnect cables. System Tested from 80-1000 MHz in the FAR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - 2 WEEK return policy (minus S&H-&-eBay) Our store has a long-standing record of trust selling the highest quality high-end imaging equipment since 1990Preferred payment method is via x-fer or upon pickup – If PayPal or CC is used, buyer pays 3.5% PayPal/CC fee SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - 2 WEEK return policy (minus S&H-&-eBay) * * * WE SHIP WORLDWIDE * * ** * * SATISFACTION GUARANTEED – 2 WEEK WARRANTY RETURN POLICY (Minus S&H) * * *!!! GOOD LUCK BIDDING !!!* * * CALL: +1.303.931.8823 WITH ANY QUESTIONS * * * SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - 2 WEEK return policy (minus S&H-&-eBay)

From - 1 month ago