S E N S A T I O N A L ! A R T E L U C E T H R E E P O L E F L O O R L A M P M i d C e n t u r y E y e C a t c h e r ! T R I - C O L O R S H A D E S ! A P P R O X 4 7 " T A L L . 1 0 " B A S E. ( CIRCA 1950 ) "The visible world consists, exclusively, in form and colour. The light conveys impressions to the eye and the eye conveys them to the whole man" - GOETHE "Light Architecture" is intelligent lighting. It complements an interior and becomes an integral component of the well being that interior creates. Architecture, to be shown at its best, needs the right placement and type of fixtures. Lighting is one of the most important elements of interior design. Here is a supremely rare Arteluce lamp that is a wonderful testimony to the creativityof lighting artisans in Italy during the mid century period. Three poles of varying height are topped with pull-string sockets and are used to provide both light and decoration. The sockets are crowned with three linen shades in primary colors of red, yellow and blue. The effect is a visual feast for the eyes! The lamp's lights defy gravity and spring forth into the air! The lamp shapes space and is the very essence of mid century design. This lamp displays mastery of lighting architecture! Lamp is in very fine condition. Light wear to the enamel and shades. A beautiful lamp! This lamp is one of the most stunning mid century floor lamps in the world and will grace a penthouse, mid century minimalist mansion or Case Study home with the utmost in mid century style and design! R A R E & S U B L I M E I L L U M I N A T I O N F O R Y O U R D I S C E R N I N G I N T E R I O R S ! _____________________________________________________ All text, images and descriptions Copyright GALLERY 20TH. 2018. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized usage in whole or part, including Ebay listings, is strictly prohibited. ______________________________________________________

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