M A G N I F I C E N T ! C O N S T R U C T I V I S T I T A L I A N F L O O R L A M P B Y G A E T A N O S C I O L A R I ! S P E C T A C U L A R ! B R A S S & L U C I T E D E S I G N A P P R O X . 1 4 " W I D E x 6 1 " T A L L Like a lamp fit for the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, this lamp is a monumental treasure that combines the most beautiful substances and works them into a design that is simply one of the most marvelous floor lamps in the world! Gaetano Sciolari produced some superb lamps in the mid century period working for Stilnovo in Italy, his designs were imported into the US by Lightolier in the seventies. His aesthetic tastes literally sculpted the decor of the finest Manhattan penthouses of this era and his flashy designs are now well established iconic elements of this period in the twentieth century and are coveted like almost no other illumination. This floor lamp is one of the rarest of all his masterpieces! The reason for the strong Sciolari fetish falls on the designs themselves, which have a timelessness about them. They are just as well suited to the most modern Dubai penthouse decor as they are to a Palm Beach modernist beach home or a Palm Springs Atomic house! The stacked brass and lucite used in this design is simply MAGNIFICENT! It looks like something from the distant future, yet with the elegance of the distant past - even now when it is almost half a century old! The sands of time do not pass for the genius of Gaetano Sciolari! This lamp is in very fine condition! A well preserved treasure and the lucite and brass are exceptional with only the slightest age wear! The reverse pyramid glass shade is in great condition and looks ravishing as it filters the light! A floor switch is used to turn the lamp off and on. All original electrics are working perfectly! S C I O L A R I I l l u m i n a t i o n F o r Y o u r P O W E R F U L I n t e r i o r s _____________________________________________________ All text, images and descriptions Copyright

From ebay.com - 1 month ago