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Magnificent Large Parker Lamp Co. Figural Gothic Banquet Oil Lamp - $1,285 - (Manlius, NY)

Fresh from a fantastic estate comes the most spectacular Victorian oil lamp I've ever had the pleasure of owning. This lamp was made by the Parker Lamp Co. and measures just over 29" tall at the top of the shade and 8" square at the base. The lamp is made of a patinated metal and features a winged cherub riding a ferocious mythical beast with a repeating design on the base. I'm not sure if the shade is original but it's been on it for a very long time. The lamp was converted to electricity many years ago. Aside from a very tiny nick on the tip of one of the points on the shade and a very small bit of discoloration where the oil font sits, the lamp is in overall excellent condition and looks incredible. Pictures should tell the story but please email if you have any questions.

Magnificent Large Parker Lamp Co. Figural Gothic Banquet Oil Lamp
Magnificent Large Parker Lamp Co. Figural Gothic Banquet Oil Lamp
Magnificent Large Parker Lamp Co. Figural Gothic Banquet Oil Lamp


Posted in Manlius, NY, Household Items
From - 1 month ago