Chinese Ming Dynasty Huali Huanghuali Chuan/Kang K’ang Golden Table 1550-1650 - $900,000 - (Milford, MA)
Re-list! Item was questioned, and inspected.... now that THAT has been taken care of, here she is again! *NOT for the faint at heart! Museums and serious collectors a great opportunity!!!! Chinese Ming Dynasty Chuan table! ( "chuan" design type found in Antiques Furniture Directory page 616) Not to be confused with the KANG/K'ANG. (though very similar, some may insist this is a late Ming Kang table.) 26x26x14.5 huanghuali wood. The BEST you can ever hope to find. Amazing! Huanghuali is claimed by many experts to be the rarest wood in the world! (It was plentiful at the time this table was made). INSPECTION OF ITEMS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME PRIOR TO PURCHASE BY APPOINTMENT. Bring your expert. This table is unrestored and in original condition! What's it worth?! Make a reasonable offer and this table could be in your collection! We wish to agree on a price as opposed to leaving it to chance. Ending result could go either way. This may or may not be the place to find a new home. This table would fit perfectly in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, next to their Ming Dynasty Kang Table. (Pictures can be found online, unfortunately, you can only see one picture at this time because it is currently in storage and no longer on public display). This table has been hidden within a collection for many years until now and due the huanghuali craze has been "re-discovered". A treasure! Thanks for your interest. ***Price has been lowered based on being shown a "somewhat similar table" sold 6 years ago.

From - 1 month ago