" The John Quincy Adams Letter as Secretary of State ". The letter reads as follows: Manuel Eyre Esquire Philadelphia Department of State 30 December, 1819 Sir, The President , by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, having appointed you a director of the bank of the United states, I have the honour to inform you that your commission is this date forwarded to the President of that Bank at Philadelphia. I am with Great respect, Sir, Your Obed ! & very Hum-Serv! John Quincy Adams This was a historic appointment as it states in the news of the day: The Plough Boy and Journal of the Board of Agriculture From June 5,1819 to May 27,1820 Volume No.32 Page 255 , Listed under "Weekly Summary" It states: Langdon Cheeves ,Manuel Eyre, and Nicholas Biddle of Philadelphia ; john M'Kim ,Jun. of Baltimore :and Charles E.Dudley,of Albany ,are appointed by the President of the United sates ,Directors of the Bank of the United States , on behalf of government for the ensuing years. Written by:henry Homespun,Jr.Albany Saturday june 12,1819 NOTE #1: This entire letter was written and signed by John Quincy Adams. As you can also see, he signed his name in full "John Quincy Adams".Many of his correspondence letters he signs J.Q.Adams, so this is a nice feature of this letter. NOTE #2. please note and attention to the 7th & 8th picture. The paper which Adams wrote his letter has a water mark which states "HARRIS 1817". This is exactly what you want to see in an old document. NOTE #3:the letter measures 16"wide x 10"tall. The 16" is folded over and the letter is written on the right 8"of the paper. As you can see there are 4 creases and the normal wear and tear of a document that is 198 years old. This letter was framed at some point and removed. It was framed with an engraving of John Quincy Adams. More about the engraving in note #4. NOTE #4: please note that the 2nd picture is an engraving that is included with this letter. It measures 7"wide x 9"tall . There is a facsimile

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