Rapid Sump System - $930 - (Shawnee, OK)
The R.S.S. (Rapid Sump System) is designed to prevent rain water or liquid spills from filling up your secondary containment structure taking away from important fluid holding limits. When the liquid begins filling the containment structure the float valve on the R.S.S. is triggered. Once the float valve is triggered the pump will turn on and pump the liquid into the separator tank or any available flow lines. The RSS filters out gravel and large debris, keeping it out of the separator tank. Secondary containment structures need to be as empty as possible during storms because the more rain water the containment structure is holding the less it can hold if lightning strikes the tank battery. The base of the RSS is made of PVC with suction holes drilled throughout, maximizing the suction area. Each end of the base contains a filtering screen that covers the large openings. These openings allow for a larger volume of water to be pumped out of the secondary containment structure. Powered by gas or compressed air.
From ebay.com - 1 month ago