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Antique Chinese Qian Long Mark Solid Silver Egg Shaped Ingot - $1,088 - (Butler, AL)

An old Chinese solid silver egg shaped ingot bearing Qianlong Emperor mark & silver mark. The darker area surrounds a naturally flattened spot where the egg lay for many years. It ia reportedly from an excavated Qing shipwreck cargo. Weight is 575.3 grams = 18.48 ozt. Priority or FEDEX Smartpost shipping to US and Global Shipping Program to International. Shipping reflects insurance for loss or damage. NOTE: The photos presented are our visual description and most reliable way to understand the item(s) for sale. If you want more pictures or have any questions please send a message to us. Response time may vary but usually within 24 hours. Please note: We will not cancel any paid order unless we are unable to consummate delivery for any unforeseen reason.. .

Antique Chinese Qian Long Mark Solid Silver Egg Shaped Ingot
Antique Chinese Qian Long Mark Solid Silver Egg Shaped Ingot
Antique Chinese Qian Long Mark Solid Silver Egg Shaped Ingot


Posted in Butler, AL, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago