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Trio, Antique Aunt Jemima - Mammy - Cast Iron - Doorstop - Banks - $1,500 - (Bessemer, PA)

All three pieces are 1920's cast iron. Each piece is hand painted and in pristine condition. The door stop measures 12 1/2" tall and 6 3/4" wide. The doorstop Aunt Jemima has short sleeves. Rarely seen on Aunt Jemima figures. One bank measures 10 1/2" tall and 6 1/2" wide. The smaller bank measures 7 1/2" tall and 5" wide. Truly a must have for any collector.

Trio, Antique Aunt Jemima - Mammy - Cast Iron - Doorstop - Banks
Trio, Antique Aunt Jemima - Mammy - Cast Iron - Doorstop - Banks
Trio, Antique Aunt Jemima - Mammy - Cast Iron - Doorstop - Banks


Posted in Bessemer, PA, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago