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Fantasy 28mm Castle for Warhammer, Kings of War, Historical Wargames D&D - $210 - (Kempner, TX)

Custom designed Fantasy printed Castle. Includes 4 towers and walls with working gate. Perfect for Warhammer, Kings of War, Historical wargames. Towers come apart to reveal interior rooms with arrow slits, textured walls and floors Each wall has 3 sections. Two connector sections that are textured to join the towers to the walls to create a tight nearly seamless fit. Each tower is four parts Base, 2 room sections and the top.The Castle is printed to order and ships un-painted. Please allow 10-14 business days for order to ship as it takes time to print. The castle has a granite texture that takes paint like a champ. We will primer the castle in either Grey or Black so it can be painted with ease If you choose. If you have questions please contact us This castle is super durable and printed to withstand years of gaming. We offer expansions such as keeps, stables and buildings so that you can add to your gaming with minimal cost. Affordable,durable terrain is what we do here at PM Gaming Systems. Paypal only Ships priority mail with tracking

Fantasy 28mm Castle for Warhammer, Kings of War, Historical Wargames D&D
Fantasy 28mm Castle for Warhammer, Kings of War, Historical Wargames D&D
Fantasy 28mm Castle for Warhammer, Kings of War, Historical Wargames D&D


Posted in Kempner, TX, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago