(MEXICAN RETABLO) MADONNA AND CHILD OIL PAINTING on metal(tin?)-early 18th-19thc - $1,750 - (Grand Isle, VT)
You are looking at a most wonderful and early original Spanish/Mexican Retablo from the colonial period in Mexican History. Unsigned like the rest of them--this one seems to have more detail in the work around the fface and the child than many that I've seen--nice crown, flowers and clothing.There does appear to besome faint writing on the right sleeve of the VirginMarys cloak but I can't make it--perhaps you are able to.Sizewise--thisis about the same as most osthe early retables--maybe a smige larger--sizes are 10x 14 inches unframed...just as I found it at an old junk shop a few weeks ago.If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask them--Imight ad the colors in this one are not as faded as most that I've seen ind thepast..Thanks again--hope its what you are lookingfor...

From ebay.com - 1 month ago